I appreciate a good ism

I really do appreciate a great word picture. Take this paragraph by Andree Seu:
“It started as a Christmas expedition. I was after gifts, not cards, but the little bristol board art works were everywhere, and I was drawn in by the hordes who paused for long silences, like priests with heads bowed, before the altars of myriad-colored messages in endless rows”
“The biggest help to my writing has been the discipline of having to fit everything into 800 words.”…”I read a whole book on potty training once. A yellow highlighter boiled the essentials down to an ounce of meat sandwiched between airy bread.”
“What is sin, anyway?” … In adulthood, sin became more difficult to wrap my mind around” ..”Sin was the discrete act of commission, but also the proclivity you were born with –to anger, to timidity, or to sloth –that in the right environmental soup will cause one man when he is weary simply to sigh, and the other to reach for a bottle of Dewar’s. Sin is the methodically planned bank heist, and sin is a fondness for afternoon naps that leaves the rafters sagging.”
Very few authors cause me to stop and meditate on their isms, authors with words so well spoken that I can still keep reading even though I need to have a dictionary in my other hand, like the writings of Andree Seu. Hope she doesn’t mind my quoting her this morning from her book of essays called “Normal Kingdom Business”.