What is the big deal about radon in your home?


When I first started selling real estate, I thought that radon gas and the levels allowed in the home were purely arbitrary.  Lead based paint, mold and asbestos were some other areas that my clients were skeptical about even testing because the cure for the condition to the home were so costly. They would just read an information booklet about it and, with lead paint for instance, would just make sure their children didn’t eat the window sills.  Regarding mold, they just figured they would apply some Clorox and wash it down themselves and save themselves all that money. (Studies show Clorox can make mold worse…)  Radon just seemed like another cause that gave remediators a new bandwagon – a way to make some money off of people’s fears.   People weren’t persuaded that those things were really dangerous to their health as much as a disaster to their resale value if they didn’t take care of it.  Many home deals just fell apart rather than either side paying for the prescribed remediation (correction or removal of the dangerous condition).  

Radon, I learned early on, is a radioactive, odorless gas that is created from the breakdown of uranium in the soil. Radon gets into buildings through tiny cracks in floors, foundations, walls; it can also enter through well water supplies that contain radon. Regardless of how new or old a home or building is, it can contain radon gas. The EPA recommends that all homeowners use a radon test to determine indoor radon levels; any home with radon levels higher than 4 pCi/L should have radon mitigation equipment installed. One house on one block could have a safe reading of .2 pCi/L and a home on the other end of the block be 17 pCi/L. So every home should be tested.  Click here for a detailed US radon map.  Click on this link for the radon detail map of just Pennsylvania.  

pennsylvania radon map


What do colors on state radon map mean.

Since the knowledge of radon and it’s effects on your health has grown, the cost of remediation has come down. The systems have become more fine tuned and effective. They are installed in places that work the best but are not obtrusive.   In our area of Pennsylvania, a remediation system for a 3000 sf home costs between $850 to $1500.  Definitely worth the expense.  Most remediation companies now will even give a 2 – 5 year warranty if the homeowner leaves the fan on the exhaust system running.  


Take a look at this story about a local man’s experience with radon. As a result of his experience, he now runs a radon remediation business. You won’t believe what his radon reading was!  Click here to read the Stan Watras story.

I am not a radon testing or even remediation expert.  But I am a Realtor who will help you find or sell a home that is safe for your family to live in.  Please feel free to leave comments and tell us your story about radon.  

Why do we need your reviews?

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It is no secret that the internet is a big deal for the home buying and selling process. It is also not a secret that people use reviews to decide on what service providers to use, what brand to buy or where to eat.  It is for this reason that our past client’s reviews about us are SO important. We can say we are great but people that do not yet know us will want to see other people’s opinions. Thus your review of how we did online will help spread the word! We are always excited when you, our valued clients, refer people to us. Many of you have asked where you can tell others about us. We  have found the following websites have the greatest impact. We are listing them in the order of where the most reviews are read. What we are asking is if you had a good experience working with us please take the time to complete the reviews on the sites. Once you have written one review you can submit it to each of the other sites or write unique reviews on each.

“What should I write?”

The best reviews are ones that are of you telling a short story about how we performed beyond your expectations.  If you can not remember anything specific, then you can mention what characteristics impressed you the most. Some areas that people have told us we excel: our prompt communications, our attention to detail, our negotiation skills, our professional and high quality marketing, our staging and home photos, our friendliness, or how we were patient and skilled at working through difficult situations.

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